Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recycling Is Important

When people ask me why I'm so passionate about recycling everything that can be recycled, it's not an easy question to answer in just a few words. The truth is, it takes a "big picture" mentality to understand why recycling is important. With that being said, I can sum up an answer in a few sentences:

Recycling is important because nearly all the earth's resources are limited and our population growth is far outpacing our ability and willingness to recycle. Eventually, the demand placed on these resources will create a global issue that spells a major issue.

Now, I'm not a doomsayer or naysayer, but the facts are simple. If we, as a race, don't begin to recycle more than we are now, there will be nothing to recycle for our children. Not only will we tax the earth's natural resources beyond the point of recovery, but we will soon run out of space for landfills.

So what can you or your business do to help? The answer is quite simple: start recycling, and recycle everything that you can. Businesses who recycle:

Are more favorably viewed by the public
Can qualify for tax incentives or "green" discounts
Have customers who are willing spend up to 15% more on recycled goods

Here's a great video that really breaks down exactly why recycling is important:

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